This brochure was designed for a Design for Good Challenge. This was a team project where a non-profit was chosen and we created a marketing campaign. The non-profit we chose was the Chattanooga Zoo. We worked together and co-created (via surveys and interviews) with our audience to figure out what kind of items we should make and how we should design them.This brochure was made to personify Sophia the snow leopard because the big cats are very popular at the zoo.
I also designed another brochure for the 1st most popular animal at the Chattanooga Zoo at the moment, the giraffes. I photographed both these animals at the Chattanooga Zoo and my team used the images in our designs. We also made a digital piece, which was an interactive Facebook page for both animals and an environmental piece which was extra large animal prints that could be placed anywhere outside which stated fun facts about each animal.